Thursday, December 3, 2009

Whats Wrong With Roshei Yasheva

People often approach me and exclaim?

"Yitzchak Zev Soloveichik, you are the acknowledge expert on the psychology of Chareidie and other orthodox Roshei Yeshiva, Can you please explain to me why so many Chareidie Roshei Yasheva like Elya Shvei have such insane and baseless hatred for the greatest Goanim and Tzadikim in the Jewish world, such as your Kinsman Rav Moshe, Rav Yosef Dov and Harav Aharone."
The first and most obvious answers that come to mind are the things that would motivate anyone without character, a sense of common decency, or knowledge of the torah to behave in this disgusting and prust manner. These are of course jealousy, bitterness, arrogance, and a low self esteem. For some of the lesser Mad Black Hatters arrogance and jealousy suffice; after all they claim to be the standard bearers of the Torah life but the truly great talmidi chachamim and tzadikim of their generation reject the fiction that is the black hat Daas Torah con. For others there is a great deal more vitriol then would be expected from these emotions. So how do we explain the likes of Elya Shvei who seems to go above and beyond the fray in his insane hatred and evil? For him it’s the standard Jealousy and arrogance, but you have to add in low self esteem and bitterness.
You see as a young and sensitive boy he arrogantly believed that he could get excepted to our family institution on the merits of his imagined greatness. He was of course incorrect and rejected because he didn't amount to much. Thus the hatred for the Soloveichiks. This is of course the source of his bitterness. But how can he express it, after all as a member of the black hat Daas Torah con he can't actually come out and insult The Brisker Rov. That is a one way ticket to where he belongs, in the trash. So he has to refocus and redouble his anger against those members of my family in which it is ok to be jealous and insulting towards. Then instated of being called a fool, the more accurate description, he is called a Kanoy.
I hope this clears things up a bit.


  1. I hope you burn hell forever
    Real Jew

  2. You can post whatever you like on my blog - just pick a respectful name

  3. Just came across your blog. Kol hakavod, you pull no punches.

    How are you related to R. Ahron Soloveichik zt'l?
